Fort Lisse

Lisse Forts are only a short distance from Ohiro village and about 2 km. from the town of Nevrokopi. In these forts, the Greek Army fought bravely against the German and Bulgarian divisions on 6th and 7th April, 1941. Despite the furious attacks of the invaders, the forts were not seized. They surrendered after the capitulation of Greece.

In commemoration of this battle and to honor the dead, a small museum was built. The museum was renovated in 2002 and is open to the public.

The museum's exhibits include weapons (pistols, machine guns, mortars, grenades, etc.) which belonged to the Greek and German army as well as uniforms, medals and personal items of soldiers and officers. Also in the courtyard there are the canons of the Greek army which were used to defend the fort.

Fort Lisse is open to visitors every weekend and commemorative events take place on April 6th every year.